It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 - Kickoff and GO!
We promise to give you an instant estimate
– Yes, our lawyers let us say that without any disclaimers attached. That’s how ironclad our promise is.
Our underwriting team will give it a quick review and we'll send you the final policy within 48 hours max. We usually get it back to you within a day!
Curious who we are?
We’re founded by people who’ve been quoting and writing workers comp insurance for a very loooooong time.
But we haven’t lost our personality under all the stacks of paperwork.
We love to laugh at a good joke (have any really good ones? Send them our way) and have weekly Friday pizza parties.
We're a pretty cool bunch!
After working closely with many small and medium sized businesses, we've gotten really good at reading their minds and understanding what they need.
We’ve realized the way workers comp insurance is sold is structured for the insurance company’s convenience and not the policyholder.
The insurance companies ask questions, demand all kinds of paperwork, and then sit on the application for days without even giving the potential policyholder an estimated premium. They hold all the cards.
We don't think that's fair, so we're putting the control back into your hands.
More knowledge. Less headache.
It's 1-2-3 Kickoff and GO!